Mandvi block:
In Mandvi also, maximum number of cases (33%) are of physical violence. It can also be seen that more than 10% cases belong to abuse by inlaws/relatives category.
3.1 Caste vis-à-vis cases details:
Following chart shows the cross tabulations of caste vis-a-vis type of cases. If we look at the data, physical and mental torture is spread across all the castes similarly. It is also evident that the cases of unfaithfullness are more prominent in Rajgor caste, while cases of abuse by inlaws are more prominent in Darbar community.
Cases of alcohol related abuse have occured more in the Gadhvi community.
if we analyse the charts further, cases of physical abuse, alcohol related abuse and mental torture are most in the castes Harijan and Muslim. It is also evident that cases of mental torture and other disputes feature more amongst patel and Ahir castes. Cases of unfaithfullness are more in the Rajgor community, while most cases of alcohol related abuse are from Gadhvi communiy. Darbars have more number of cases of abuse by inlaws and other relatives. Each of these analyses the traditional customs, societal beliefs and psyche of the communities.