The table shows that amongst all the castes, maximum number of cases has been registered from Harijan- 178 and Muslim communities- 137. Amongst the Harijan castes, sub-castes of Maheshwari, valmiki features prominently in the cases. The other cases are evenly distributed amongst Brahmin, patel and Koli castes. If we analyse further, on caste wise case breakup of each blocks, following picture emerges:
The above charts show the prominence of caste breakup, which have approached the helpline. In all the blocks, maximum number of cases has been received from the Scheduled caste communities. Behind them in number of cases is the Muslim community. Barring Mandvi, where more cases have come up from Koli communities. The trend is grave and unsettling and also shows the levels of economic, social and psychological effects and disparity affecting the family lives of most of these families.