
- At judiciary level
- With the victims of abuse
- With the community.

Started as a flagship programme of the cell, “Hello Sakhi” helpline has been proving an important resource for all the women members facing abuse, violence or other emergency situations. The helpline, which is a joint initiative between Kutch police department and KMVS, looks to address the concerns of the caller on immediate basis and prevents any untoward occurrences of death/suicide.
This report looks to generate a brief analysis of 600 cases (from 715 total cases) received on the helpline from May 2010- May 2012. The purpose of the report is to look at the cases handled through the helpline in depth and analyse them to identify causes and reasons for such occurrences and other causative factors specific to any region/ castes.

- Basic statistical profile of the cases
- Cross tabulations of cases vis-a- vis block, castes, age and other factors
- Cross tabulations of cases – types of cases, underlying reasons for the occurrences